mGinger is an innovative and wonderful idea of IIM grads.Read on to know what mGinger is all about. The following article has been taken from the mGinger portal itself.
With mGinger we, mGinger employees and you who have joined, have started nothing short of a revolution. A revolution in the advertising space. It is a new concept, a new paradigm.
Aren’t advertisements a pain?
• You switch your TV on wanting to watch your favourite show and what do you get? A horde of Ads.
• Switch on your radio…same deal.
• Try reading some news and more ads.
• Hoardings, Tele-marketing calls, carpet-bombing SMS ads.
The list goes on and on….
They tax our brains, squeeze out our energies and turn us into zombies.
But take a second and think about this:
What if they request for your permission before exposing you to ads? What if you are exposed to only those ads that are relevant to YOU at that point in time?Then, the nature of the exposure changes. Ads turn into “Usable Information”. They empower you both in terms of knowledge and profit.
mGinger is a revolution because for the first time in Indian history, the users are asked for permission. The users are asked for their interests. The users are requested for a convenient time and convenient number of ads per day.
Then, should you get paid for such useful information?
No! Because the information itself pays you (since you will use it).
But, the ground reality is, however precise your targeting gets there always remain some out-of-control variables which decide whether the information is useful or not. mGinger pays you for this wastage since it taxes your mind and time.
We welcome all of you to this revolution where each one of you gets empowered, gets to lead and gets the power to tell the big advertisers what you would like and what you wouldn’t. Every advertiser would like to become your friend and this gives you a chance to tell them how. Mind you, this will be a ground-up and a tough fight. A fight because we are going against conventionality, against a wildly prevalent attitude of taking us consumers for granted.But, eventually we will win because we believe it is the right way.
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